Listing of all current and previous offerings for 443V

Course ID Term Course Subject Code Course Code Section Course Name Instructor PIDM Instructor Program Location Sched. Desc. Units Bookstore Link Syllabus Link Text Pak Link Term Course Document ID Course Document Description Subprogram
4762395 202203 MGB-443V-001 MGB 443V 001 Customer Analytics 3499252 Loupos, Panteleimon SMBB Zoom T 6:00pm-9:00pm 3 There are optional textbooks for this course. Please see the syllabus for more information. Text Pak Required Please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement in Canvas, if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Spring 2022 4779928 Syllabus
4762448 202203 MGP-443V-001 MGP 443V 001 Customer Analytics 3499252 Loupos, Panteleimon SMBE Zoom T 6:00pm-9:00pm 3 There are optional textbooks for this course. Please see the syllabus for more information. Text Pak Required Please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement in Canvas, if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Spring 2022 4779929 Syllabus
5263530 202303 MGB-443V-001 MGB 443V 001 Customer Analytics 3499252 Loupos, Panteleimon SMBB Zoom T 6:00pm-9:00pm 3 No Textbook Required Text Pak Required Please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement in Canvas, if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Spring 2023 5344108 Syllabus
4919651 202303 MGP-443V-001 MGP 443V 001 Customer Analytics 3499252 Loupos, Panteleimon SMBE Zoom T 6:00pm-9:00pm 3 No Textbook Required Text Pak Required Please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement in Canvas, if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Spring 2023 5344109 Syllabus