Listing of all current and previous offerings for 246V

Course ID Term Course Subject Code Course Code Section Course Name Instructor PIDM Instructor Program Location Sched. Desc. Units Bookstore Link Syllabus Link Text Pak Link Term Course Document ID Course Document Description Subprogram
3565444 202001 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 593685 SMBO Online MBA Th 6:30pm-8:10pm 4 Please see the syllabus for textbook information. Please see the syllabus for textpak information. Winter 2020 3657741 Syllabus
3664504 202003 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 593685 SMBO Online MBA T 7:30pm-9:10pm 4 Please see the syllabus for the required textbook. Text Pak required, please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement on the Wall in the 2UCD course, if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Spring 2020 3741386 Syllabus
3664532 202003 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 593685 SMBO Online MBA W 5:40pm-7:20pm 4 Spring 2020 0
3798147 202008 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 593685 SMBO Online MBA M 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Please see the syllabus for the required textbooks for this course. There are supplementary cases needed for this course. Information will be posted on your course wall. Summer 2020 3901630 Syllabus
3935265 202010 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 593685 SMBO Online MBA T 5:40pm-7:30pm 4 Fall 2020 0
4028453 202101 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 2576000 O'Rourke-Powell, Emma SMBO Online MBA T 6:30pm-8:20pm 4 Winter 2021 0
4144757 202103 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 2576000 O'Rourke-Powell, Emma SMBO Online MBA W 7:40pm-9:30pm 4
1. Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases, 7th Edition. Lewicki, Roy J., Bruce Barry, and David M. Saunders. 2015. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. (ISBN-13: 978-0077862428)
2. Negotiating Rationally. Bazerman, Max H. and Margaret A. Neale. 1992. New York: The Free Press. (ISBN-13: 978-0029019863)
Text Pak required, please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement on the Wall in the 2UCD course, if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Spring 2021 5061467 Syllabus
4214100 202103 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 2576000 O'Rourke-Powell, Emma SMBO Online MBA M 5:30pm-7:20pm 4
1. Negotiation: Readings, Exercises, and Cases, 7th Edition. Lewicki, Roy J., Bruce Barry, and David M. Saunders. 2015. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. (ISBN-13: 978-0077862428)
2. Negotiating Rationally. Bazerman, Max H. and Margaret A. Neale. 1992. New York: The Free Press. (ISBN-13: 978-0029019863)
Text Pak required, please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement on the Wall in the 2UCD course, if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Spring 2021 5061468 Syllabus
4253736 202108 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 2576000 O'Rourke-Powell, Emma SMBO Online MBA M 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Summer 2021 4286216 Syllabus
4273588 202108 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 2576000 O'Rourke-Powell, Emma SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Summer 2021 4286220 Syllabus
4345217 202110 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 2576000 O'Rourke-Powell, Emma SMBO Online MBA M 7:40pm-9:30pm PST 4 Fall 2021 4404640 Syllabus
4376773 202110 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 2576000 O'Rourke-Powell, Emma SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm PST 4 Fall 2021 4404641 Syllabus
4462646 202201 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 2576000 O'Rourke-Powell, Emma SMBO Online MBA T 7:40pm-9:30pm PST 4 Winter 2022 4581488 Syllabus
4496046 202201 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 2576000 O'Rourke-Powell, Emma SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm PST 4 Winter 2022 4581489 Syllabus
4594156 202201 MGV-246V-003 MGV 246V 003 Negotiations in Organizations 2576000 O'Rourke-Powell, Emma SMBO Online MBA T 7:40pm-9:30pm PST 4 Winter 2022 4741851 Syllabus
4462921 202203 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 2576000 O'Rourke-Powell, Emma SMBO Online MBA T 7:40pm-9:30pm PT 4 Text Pak required, please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement on the Wall in the 2UCD course (or in the syllabus), if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Spring 2022 4894136 Syllabus
4462923 202203 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 2576000 O'Rourke-Powell, Emma SMBO Online MBA W 5:30pm-7:20pm PT 4 Text Pak required, please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement on the Wall in the 2UCD course (or in the syllabus), if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Spring 2022 4894137 Syllabus
4643648 202208 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Text Pak required, please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement on the Wall in the 2UCD course (or in the syllabus), if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Summer 2022 5091671 Syllabus
4643650 202208 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Text Pak required, please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement on the Wall in the 2UCD course (or in the syllabus), if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Summer 2022 5091672 Syllabus
4919242 202210 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Fall 2022 0
4919244 202210 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Fall 2022 0
4919497 202301 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Text Pak required, please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement on the Wall in the 2UCD course (or in the syllabus), if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Winter 2023 0
4919499 202301 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Text Pak required, please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement on the Wall in the 2UCD course (or in the syllabus), if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Winter 2023 0
4919735 202303 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA M 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Spring 2023 0
4919737 202303 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Spring 2023 0
5290364 202308 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Text Pak required, please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement on the Wall in the 2UCD course (or in the syllabus), if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Summer 2023 0
5290366 202308 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Text Pak required, please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement on the Wall in the 2UCD course (or in the syllabus), if they are visible, the materials are currently available. Summer 2023 0
5351757 202310 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Fall 2023 0
5351759 202310 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Fall 2023 0
5351969 202401 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Winter 2024 0
5351971 202401 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Winter 2024 0
5352157 202403 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Spring 2024 0
5352159 202403 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Spring 2024 0
6287731 202408 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Summer 2024 0
6287733 202408 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Summer 2024 0
6539432 202410 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
Please refer to the course syllabus for coursepack information.
Coursepacks items are obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your coursepacks are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you will still need to purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
Fall 2024 7069672 Syllabus
6539434 202410 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
Please refer to the course syllabus for coursepack information.
Coursepacks items are obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your coursepacks are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you will still need to purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
Fall 2024 7071313 Syllabus
6781567 202501 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
Winter 2025 7590028 Syllabus
6781569 202501 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
Winter 2025 7590029 Syllabus
6715698 202503 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
Please refer to the course syllabus for coursepack information.
Coursepacks items are obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your coursepacks are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you will still need to purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
Spring 2025 7955605 Syllabus
6715700 202503 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
Please refer to the course syllabus for coursepack information.
Coursepacks items are obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your coursepacks are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you will still need to purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
Spring 2025 7955609 Syllabus
7849039 202508 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Summer 2025 0
7849041 202508 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA W 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Summer 2025 0
7849223 202510 MGV-246V-001 MGV 246V 001 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 5:30pm-7:20pm 4 Fall 2025 0
7849225 202510 MGV-246V-002 MGV 246V 002 Negotiations in Organizations 3616235 Keeves, Gareth SMBO Online MBA T 7:40pm-9:30pm 4 Fall 2025 0