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Course Program Term Course Title Instructor Alt Instructor Day/Time Location Units Enrolled Max
Subject Code Course Number Section CRN Start Time End Time Course Offering ID Status Notes Course Description Catalog ID Course Notes Status Bookstore Link Textpack Link Syllabus Link Term ID SubTerm Faculty URL Alt Faculty URL Grading Policy Course Document ID Course Document Description Concentration Subprogram Demand
ACC-205-001 Master of Professional Accountancy Spring 2025 Advanced Financial Reporting Tseng, Ayung T 1:10pm-5:00pm Davis 4 30 55 0 ACC 205 001 30459 6715558 An advanced treatment of recognition, measurement, and disclosure including pensions, accounting for income taxes, mergers and acquisitions, consolidations, special-purpose entities, and foreign subsidiaries. Also includes accounting for governmental and nonprofit entities, as well as advanced treatment of international accounting standards.Prerequisite: Must be admitted into the Masters of Professional Accountancy Program; ACC 203. 925595 Active 202503 Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 31
ACC-213-001 Master of Professional Accountancy Spring 2025 Intermediate Tax Reporting and Analysis Gill, Steven M 12:10pm-4:00pm Davis 4 30 35 0 ACC 213 001 56194 7388937 Detailed analysis of federal taxation of individuals. Topics include the timing of income recognition, deductions and credits for tax purposes, as well as the basics of property transactions.Prerequisite: Must be admitted into the Masters of Professional Accountancy Program; ACC 211 or Management 264. 925597 Active 202503 Letter 0 Finance/Accounting 31
ACC-231-001 Master of Professional Accountancy Spring 2025 Analysis and Use of Accounting Reports Tseng, Ayung Th 9:00am-12:50pm Davis 4 30 50 0 ACC 231 001 30460 6715560 Perform financial statement analysis on publicly traded companies by leveraging accounting data from the SEC and advanced data analytics techniques. Efficiently manage and synthesize vast volumes of data to formulate a distinctive investment thesis concerning the company's prospective financial performance.
Prerequisite: Must be admitted into the Masters of Professional Accountancy Program; Not open for credit to students who have completed Management 272
925601 Active 202503 Letter 0 Finance/Accounting 31
ACC-243-001 Master of Professional Accountancy Spring 2025 Auditing and Attestation Services Mubako, Grace W 1:10pm-5:00pm Davis 4 30 50 0 ACC 243 001 30461 6715562 Advanced treatment of the audit process and environment. Topics include audit planning and performance, evidence, internal controls, professional standards, and audit reports. Reviews, compilations and attestation services are examined, as are governmental agency audits. Prerequisite: Must be admitted into the Masters of Professional Accountancy Advanced treatment of the audit process and environment. Topics include audit planning and performance, evidence, internal controls, professional standards, and audit reports. Reviews, compilations and attestation services are examined, as are governmental agency audits.
Requirement: Must be admitted into the Masters of Professional Accountancy Program
925603 Active 202503 Letter 7893268 Syllabus Finance/Accounting 31
BAX-423-001 MSBA Spring 2025 Big Data Analytics Loupos, Panteleimon F 11:30am-3:00pm San Francisco 4 49 55 0 BAX 423 001 32463 6715566 The goal of this class is to equip you with the state of the art big data skills to become an effective data scientist in this evolving data landscape. Topics include Distributed Computing, Streaming, Text/Social Network Analytics, and Deep Learning. 1874586 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/pantelis-loupos Letter 0 Business Analytics, STEM 49
BAX-423-002 MSBA Spring 2025 Big Data Analytics Loupos, Panteleimon F 3:30pm-7:00pm San Francisco 4 53 55 0 BAX 423 002 32464 6715568 The goal of this class is to equip you with the state of the art big data skills to become an effective data scientist in this evolving data landscape. Topics include Distributed Computing, Streaming, Text/Social Network Analytics, and Deep Learning. 1874586 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/pantelis-loupos Letter 0 Business Analytics, STEM 55
BAX-424-001 MSBA Spring 2025 Analytics for Logistics & Supply Chain Management Makhijani, Rahul Alternating Saturdays San Francisco 2 7 55 0 BAX 424 001 32465 6715570 Introduction to various optimization methods in the domain of logistics and supply chains. 5269501 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/rahul-makhijani Letter 0 Business Analytics, STEM 7
BAX-443-001 MSBA Spring 2025 Analytic Decision Making Rubel, Olivier Th 11:00am-2:30pm San Francisco 4 50 55 0 BAX 443 001 32466 6715572 Using spreadsheets and specialized modeling tools, explore structured problem solution through meta-heuristics, Monte Carlo simulation, and mathematical optimization.
Restricted to students enrolled in MSBA program
1874614 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/olivier-rubel Letter 0 Business Analytics, STEM 51
BAX-443-002 MSBA Spring 2025 Analytic Decision Making Rubel, Olivier Th 3:30pm-7:00pm San Francisco 4 52 55 0 BAX 443 002 32467 6715574 Using spreadsheets and specialized modeling tools, explore structured problem solution through meta-heuristics, Monte Carlo simulation, and mathematical optimization.
Restricted to students enrolled in MSBA program
1874614 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/olivier-rubel Letter 0 Business Analytics, STEM 53
BAX-453-001 MSBA Spring 2025 Application Domains Gupta, Sharad Alternating Saturdays San Francisco 2 55 55 1 BAX 453 001 32468 6715576 Students explore contemporary and emerging domains for high-yield applications of analytics. Topics: social network analytics, search analytics, health care analytics, internet of things, supply chain/operations analytics, and marketing analytics.
Restricted to students enrolled in MSBA program
1874628 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/sharad-gupta Letter 0 Business Analytics, STEM 57
BAX-464-001 MSBA Spring 2025 Practicum Delivery Martinez, Josue Alternating Saturdays San Francisco 2 51 55 0 BAX 464 001 56348 7787441 Project teams complete analysis, plan deployment and obtain client buy-in. The course culminates in a project presentation, preferably including representatives from the client organization.
Restricted to students enrolled in MSBA program
1874657 Active 202503 Letter 0 52
BAX-464-002 MSBA Spring 2025 Practicum Delivery Martinez, Josue Alternating Saturdays San Francisco 2 52 55 0 BAX 464 002 56349 7787443 Project teams complete analysis, plan deployment and obtain client buy-in. The course culminates in a project presentation, preferably including representatives from the client organization.
Restricted to students enrolled in MSBA program
1874657 Active 202503 Letter 0 53
BAX-493A-001 MSBA Spring 2025 Personal Branding Errecarte, Vanessa April 5-6, 2025 (see notes) San Francisco 2 11 55 0 BAX 493A 001 56355 7804152 In this course, students will learn how to use the cornerstone principles of corporate branding and content marketing to define and create their own personal brand, allowing them to naturally stand out online in their respective industries. The course will be delivered in four phases using my E.P.I.C. Framework: ESTABLISH: Discovery and Vision; PACKAGE: Content and Packaging; INFORM: Dissemination; and CULTIVATE: Growth and Management. 7781450 **MBA students interested in taking this course, please reach out to the GSM Registrar at GSMRegistrar@gsm.ucdavis.edu** Active Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information. Textbooks may be purchased through the Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Inclusive Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charges will go to your student account. Text Pak Required Please note that you will get emailed when the materials are available. If you did not get an email and want to check, look for the Textpak Access Instructions announcement in Canvas, if they are visible, the materials are currently available. 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/vanessa-errecarte Letter 7851616 Syllabus Business Analytics, Marketing 14
BAX-493A-002 MSBA Spring 2025 Agentic Artificial Intelligence (AI) Saturdays Irregular San Francisco 2 27 55 0 BAX 493A 002 56356 7804154 Course description pending.  7781443 *MBA students may enroll in this course. Knowledge of Python is strongly recommended. Please reach out to instructor with questions.* Instructor: Sanjay Krishnan Active No Textbook Required No Text Pak Required 202503 Letter 7851668 Syllabus 27
MGB-203B-001 Bay Area MBA Spring 2025 Statistical Foundations for Business Analytics Rangwala, Mehul Alternating Saturdays San Ramon 3 1 45 0 MGB 203B 001 46823 7497928 The course covers practical statistical methods which prepare the ground for data analytics in the areas of marketing, finance, accounting, operations, economics, healthcare, and management. Emphasis is placed on using statistical results obtained from software to draw insights for making better business decisions. Topics covered include analysis of variance, contingency table analysis, and topics in predictive analytics which include regression modeling and analysis and forecasting of the time series data. This course prepares students well to pursue other analytics courses in the program. After completing this class, students will be able to describe how findings from statistical analysis learned in the class are used to assess business performance and formulate business strategies.  
- Previously, "203B, Intermediate Statistics for Managers". 
5098334 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/mehul-rangwala Letter 0 Statistics/Info. Tech./Operations, STEM 2
MGB-404Y-001 Bay Area MBA Spring 2025 Marketing Management Naik, Prasad Sat/Weds Irregular San Ramon 4 27 50 0 MGB 404Y 001 46826 7388728 Analysis of market opportunities, elements of market research, development of marketing strategies, market planning and implementations, and control systems. Consumer and industrial markets, market segmentation, pricing strategies, distribution channels, promotion, and sales.
4383880 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/prasad-naik Letter 0 Marketing, STEM 28
MGB-405Y-001 Bay Area MBA Spring 2025 Financial Theory and Policy Yang, Keer Sat/Thurs Irregular San Ramon 4 28 50 0 MGB 405Y 001 46827 6715584 Covers the fundamental principles of corporate financial management and capital markets. Major topics include general valuation methods for risky cash flow streams, capital budgeting, asset pricing models, risk management, equity financing, debt financing, and dividend policy. 
4383887 Active 202503 Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 29
MGB-417B-001 Bay Area MBA Spring 2025 Collaborative Leadership 2 Hsu, Greta Friday, May 16 Davis 1 2 8 0 MGB 417B 001 56330 7497884 The second of a two-part course sequence which is designed to empower emerging leaders with the skills necessary to build and guide effective teams, embodying a leadership style that is anchored in shared responsibility and values-based decision-making.
Prerequisite: 417A, Collaborative Leadership 1
6976548 Active No Textbook Required Please refer to the course syllabus for coursepack information.
Coursepacks items are obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your coursepacks are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you will still need to purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/greta-hsu S/U 7820923 Syllabus Organizational Leadership 2
MGB-436V-001 Bay Area MBA Spring 2025 Introduction to Derivative Securities Maruster, Sorin Sundays Irregular Zoom 1 9 18 0 MGB 436V 001 56443 7831990 The objective of this course is to introduce students to derivative securities and other forms of financial innovations. Various characteristics of futures, options, and other derivative securities markets and how public agencies, businesses, and others use these markets are discussed.
This course is offered online.
Not open for credit for students who have taken 436. 

7831976 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/sorin-maruster Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 13
MGB-444V-001 Bay Area MBA Spring 2025 Strategic Branding Errecarte, Vanessa M 6:00pm-9:00pm Zoom 3 7 24 0 MGB 444V 001 56455 7831683 This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of branding strategies and implementation.
Not available for credit for students who have taken 444. 
This course is offered online. 
7831652 Active Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
Please refer to the course syllabus for coursepack information.
Coursepacks items are obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your coursepacks are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you will still need to purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/vanessa-errecarte Letter 7851469 Syllabus Marketing 16
MGB-478V-001 Bay Area MBA Spring 2025 Introduction to FinTech Yang, Keer W 5:30pm-7:20pm Zoom 2 6 15 0 MGB 478V 001 56393 7829348 Covers the evolution of “traditional” finance methods -- namely, the disruptions and innovations that have transformed: (i) how companies and consumers access funds (borrowing); (ii) how new technologies change real estate markets; (iii) how fintech companies changed the payment services; and (iv) how cryptocurrencies challenge traditional fiat money.
7671494 Active 202503 Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 7
MGB-490-001 Bay Area MBA Spring 2025 High Impact Presentations Charnsupharindr, Doy Sundays Irregular San Ramon 1 2 45 0 MGB 490 001 46833 6715594 May-18 and Jun-1 also 9:30pm-12:30pm and 1:30pm-3:30pm - waiting for number
This course focuses on how to design and deliver presentations that connects to the minds and the hearts of your audience. 
Prerequisite: 407 - Storytelling for Leadership
2137223 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/doy-charnsupharindr Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, Organizational Behavior 10
MGB-490BV-001 Bay Area MBA Spring 2025 Financial Institutions and Banking Perelman, Gregory Saturdays Irregular Zoom 2 5 24 0 MGB 490BV 001 46834 7843005
This course will analyze the role of financial markets and financial institutions in allocating capital.
Prerequisites:400A and 405.
6244485 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/visiting-faculty/gregory-perelman Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 10
MGB-490V-001 Bay Area MBA Spring 2025 Management Information Systems Beckler, Amber Th 6:00pm-9:00pm Zoom 3 8 24 0 MGB 490V 001 46835 7832048 This course gets at the heart of business model transformation (when firms want to transform the way they do business) through the lens of people, process and technology frameworks (up to 40+)  that allow a leader to lead teams through automating business functions while achieving key outcomes for the customer.  The is a seminar style course that requires a rigorous real life project application of the content.
Not avialable for credit for students who have taken 207. 
This course is offered online. 

7831663 No class Thurs, May 29 Active Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
No Text Pak Required 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/amber-beckler Letter 7851656 Syllabus Business Analytics, General Management, Technology Management, STEM 12
MGP-404Y-001 Sacramento MBA Spring 2025 Marketing Management Rubel, Olivier Sat/Tues Irregular Sacramento 4 26 50 0 MGP 404Y 001 46871 7479021 Analysis of market opportunities, elements of market research, development of marketing strategies, market planning and implementations, and control systems. Consumer and industrial markets, market segmentation, pricing strategies, distribution channels, promotion, and sales.
4383880 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/olivier-rubel Letter 0 Marketing, STEM 27
MGP-405Y-001 Sacramento MBA Spring 2025 Financial Theory and Policy Sat/Thurs Irregular Sacramento 4 26 50 0 MGP 405Y 001 46872 7479653 Covers the fundamental principles of corporate financial management and capital markets. Major topics include general valuation methods for risky cash flow streams, capital budgeting, asset pricing models, risk management, equity financing, debt financing, and dividend policy. 
4383887 Instructor: Lawrence Souza Active 202503 Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 27
MGP-417B-001 Sacramento MBA Spring 2025 Collaborative Leadership 2 Hsu, Greta Friday, May 16 Davis 1 10 14 0 MGP 417B 001 56329 7497896 The second of a two-part course sequence which is designed to empower emerging leaders with the skills necessary to build and guide effective teams, embodying a leadership style that is anchored in shared responsibility and values-based decision-making.
Prerequisite: 417A, Collaborative Leadership 1
6976548 Active No Textbook Required Please refer to the course syllabus for coursepack information.
Coursepacks items are obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your coursepacks are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you will still need to purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/greta-hsu S/U 7820924 Syllabus Organizational Leadership 10
MGP-436V-001 Sacramento MBA Spring 2025 Introduction to Derivative Securities Maruster, Sorin Sundays Irregular Zoom 1 3 18 0 MGP 436V 001 56442 7832008 The objective of this course is to introduce students to derivative securities and other forms of financial innovations. Various characteristics of futures, options, and other derivative securities markets and how public agencies, businesses, and others use these markets are discussed.
This course is offered online.
Not open for credit for students who have taken 436. 

7831976 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/sorin-maruster Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 4
MGP-440-001 Sacramento MBA Spring 2025 Integrated Management Project Wilson, Kelly Every Saturday - see notes Sacramento 6 8 55 0 MGP 440 001 46877 6715610 Applies classroom learning to solve complex business challenges for real world clients. Student teams learn practical consulting skills while their clients benefit from the student's experience, insights, and work product.
Prerequisite: Completion of all core courses.
930324 MGB 440 project teams will hold in-person class meetings on the following Saturdays: 3/29, 4/12, 4/26, 5/10, 5/24 & 6/7. During these in-person class meetings, all teams will meet 9:30am-12:30pm. The teams will hold virtual class meetings on alternate Saturdays. The virtual class meetings will be scheduled by the team, in conjunction with the Team Advisor. Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/kelly-wilson Letter 0 IMPACT Program, STEM 10
MGP-440S-001 Sacramento MBA Spring 2025 Integrated Management Simulation Beckler, Amber Sat/Tu Irregular Sacramento 4 11 30 0 MGP 440S 001 46881 6715618 Apply theory and concepts from marketing, finance, organizational behavior, accounting, and strategy in order to manage a simulated corporation. 4558505 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/amber-beckler Letter 7851630 Syllabus IMPACT Program, STEM 11
MGP-444V-001 Sacramento MBA Spring 2025 Strategic Branding Errecarte, Vanessa M 6:00pm-9:00pm Zoom 3 14 24 0 MGP 444V 001 56456 7831711 This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of branding strategies and implementation.
Not available for credit for students who have taken 444. 
This course is offered online. 
7831652 Active Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
Please refer to the course syllabus for coursepack information.
Coursepacks items are obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your coursepacks are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you will still need to purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/vanessa-errecarte Letter 7851471 Syllabus Marketing 20
MGP-445-001 Sacramento MBA Spring 2025 Product Management Virrey, Justin Sa 1:30pm-5:00pm Sacramento 4 2 60 0 MGP 445 001 56332 7497979 Overview of the requirements, issues, and tools involved in marketing of products and services via lectures, case studies, and a hands-on, quarter-long competitive simulation.
Prerequisite: 404/204
6280263 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/justin-virrey-0 Letter 0 Marketing, Technology Management, STEM 3
MGP-478V-001 Sacramento MBA Spring 2025 Introduction to FinTech Yang, Keer W 5:30pm-7:20pm Zoom 2 7 15 0 MGP 478V 001 56317 7769629 Covers the evolution of “traditional” finance methods -- namely, the disruptions and innovations that have transformed: (i) how companies and consumers access funds (borrowing); (ii) how new technologies change real estate markets; (iii) how fintech companies changed the payment services; and (iv) how cryptocurrencies challenge traditional fiat money.
7671494 Active 202503 Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 12
MGP-478V-002 Master of Management-Online Spring 2025 Introduction to FinTech Yang, Keer W 5:30pm-7:20pm Zoom 2 8 10 0 MGP 478V 002 56350 7787729 Covers the evolution of “traditional” finance methods -- namely, the disruptions and innovations that have transformed: (i) how companies and consumers access funds (borrowing); (ii) how new technologies change real estate markets; (iii) how fintech companies changed the payment services; and (iv) how cryptocurrencies challenge traditional fiat money.
7671494 Active 202503 Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 8
MGP-490-001 Sacramento MBA Spring 2025 High Impact Presentations Charnsupharindr, Doy Fridays Irregular Davis 1 2 30 0 MGP 490 001 46884 6715620 joint with FT. Waiting for number
This course focuses on how to design and deliver presentations that connects to the minds and the hearts of your audience. 
Prerequisite: 407 - Storytelling for Leadership
2137223 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/doy-charnsupharindr Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, Organizational Behavior 4
MGP-490BV-001 Sacramento MBA Spring 2025 Financial Institutions and Banking Perelman, Gregory Saturdays Irregular Zoom 2 2 24 0 MGP 490BV 001 46885 7843017
This course will analyze the role of financial markets and financial institutions in allocating capital.
Prerequisites:400A and 405.
6244485 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/visiting-faculty/gregory-perelman Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 7
MGP-490V-001 Sacramento MBA Spring 2025 Management Information Systems Beckler, Amber Th 6:00pm-9:00pm Zoom 3 1 24 0 MGP 490V 001 46886 7832050 This course gets at the heart of business model transformation (when firms want to transform the way they do business) through the lens of people, process and technology frameworks (up to 40+)  that allow a leader to lead teams through automating business functions while achieving key outcomes for the customer.  The is a seminar style course that requires a rigorous real life project application of the content.
Not avialable for credit for students who have taken 207. 
This course is offered online. 

7831663 No class Thurs, May 29 Active Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
No Text Pak Required 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/amber-beckler Letter 7851657 Syllabus Business Analytics, General Management, Technology Management, STEM 4
MGT-215-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Business Law Harrington, Jane Th 2:10pm-5:00pm Davis 3 7 28 0 MGT 215 001 46960 6715630 Covers the study of the legal environment of business. Subject matter includes an introduction to the American legal system, legal reasoning, contracts, agency, business organizations, and government regulation. Provides students with a basic understanding of the significant legal issues that confront managers and executives. 118564 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/jane-harrington Letter 0 Entrepreneurship/Innovation, General Management, Strategy, Technology Management, Organizational Behavior 8
MGT-234-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Pricing Catlin, Jesse Th 9:00am-11:50am Davis 3 10 34 0 MGT 234 001 56326 7497435 Combines lectures, cases and homework to teach students tools and skills necessary to analyze pricing situations, make pricing decisions, and implement them, in a systematic manner.
Prerequisite: 203A/403A
118568 Active There is a recommended/optional book for this course. Please view the syllabus for more information. Optional books are still available through the Bookshelf tool in Canvas but at an additional charge. Please refer to the course syllabus for coursepack information.
Coursepacks items are obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your coursepacks are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you will still need to purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
202503 Letter 7849902 Syllabus Business Analytics, Marketing, STEM 10
MGT-292-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Multi Asset Class Portfolio Management Dolan, Eamonn T 1:10pm-4:00pm Davis 3 5 30 0 MGT 292 001 56327 7497304 Examines management of alternative investment and multi-asset-class portfolios from a practitioner perspective.  Emphasizes drivers of asset class risk / return and the interconnectedness of asset classes.  Topics include portfolio concepts, cash equivalents, bonds, stocks, hedge funds, private equity, real estate, credit cycles, financial crises and asset allocation. 
Prerequisites: 402A, 403A, 405.

1299826 Active No Textbook Required No Text Pak Required 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/eamonn-dolan Letter 7820922 Syllabus Finance/Accounting, STEM 5
MGT-298-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Seminar: Food & Agriculture Morris, Julie Fridays Irregular Davis 1 5 12 0 MGT 298 001 46962 6715634 Students will be exposed to the latest technologies and practices being employed in the food/ag industry, develop an understanding of the business context within which companies operate in the food/ag industry and build on the Food/Ag immersion course offered in the Winter quarter. 
Prerequisite: 290 Food and Agriculture Industry Immersion, or Permission of instructor.  

2305846 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/julie-morris S/U 0 Entrepreneurship/Innovation 6
MGT-401B-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Organizational Strategy and Structure Pontikes, Elizabeth W 9:00am-12:50pm Davis 4 44 50 0 MGT 401B 001 46985 6715636 Strategic management of organizations, including analysis of industries, firm resources and capabilities and corporate strategy. Strategy formulation, implementation and strategic decision-making. Firm and industry life cycles and change. Analysis of organizational design and structure including differentiation and integration. 4346455 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/elizabeth-pontikes Letter 0 Strategy 44
MGT-401B-002 Master of Management Spring 2025 Organizational Strategy and Structure Damaraju, Naga Lakshmi M 9:00am-12:50pm Davis 4 28 31 0 MGT 401B 002 56333 7388735 Strategic management of organizations, including analysis of industries, firm resources and capabilities and corporate strategy. Strategy formulation, implementation and strategic decision-making. Firm and industry life cycles and change. Analysis of organizational design and structure including differentiation and integration. 4346455 Active 202503 Letter 7893286 Syllabus Strategy 29
MGT-405-001 Master of Management Spring 2025 Financial Theory and Policy Yang, Keer T 1:10pm-5:00pm Davis 4 28 31 0 MGT 405 001 56334 7393731 Covers the fundamental principles of corporate financial management and capital markets. Major topics include general valuation methods for risky cash flow streams, capital budgeting, asset pricing models, risk management, equity financing, debt financing, and dividend policy.  4346498 Active 202503 Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 29
MGT-410-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Strategic Leadership Pontikes, Elizabeth T 9:00am-12:50pm; 2nd 5 wks Davis 2 9 34 0 MGT 410 001 56313 7665011 A strategic leader is more than a manager: strategic leadership includes the ability to navigate unpredictable situations and to draw on the informal and formal levers of strategy execution to inspire, guide, and direct groups toward the strategic goal. In this class, we will learn the principles of strategic leadership and how to apply them. This includes a deep awareness of your own personality, strengths, and values, as well as a clear understanding of your organization’s strategy and vision. We will discuss the leadership situations you are best suited for personally, where you might encounter challenges, and how to develop new leadership skills. This includes cultivating the ability to give and receive feedback to strengthen relationships. We will explore how to leverage politics to enhance strategic leadership and lead through crisis. Finally, we will draw on these lessons for strategic leadership guiding an organization in times of change.
Please note, there is an online MBA course with the same name that covers the same course content.

7659451 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/elizabeth-pontikes Letter 0 Organizational Leadership, Strategic Management 9
MGT-411-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Strategic Change: Organizational Design for Disruption Pontikes, Elizabeth T 9:00am-12:50pm; 1st 5 wks Davis 2 6 34 0 MGT 411 001 56314 7665006 In the modern economy, market change is rapid as competition becomes fiercer, customers more fickle, and technology a key differentiator across industries – from automobiles to media. To compete, firms must become adept at strategic change: disrupt or be disrupted. The central tenet of this course is that effective strategic change is rooted in having entrepreneurial elements in a firm’s organization design that drives strategy discovery for successful pivots. This course teaches elements of design for strategy discovery and how to incorporate them in established firms. Lessons are uncovered through case-based analysis, hands-on exercises, lecture, video, and theoretical analyses comparing different perspectives. Evaluation is based on course contributions, a memo, and a group presentation applying lessons from the course to a case.
Please note, there is an online MBA course with the same course name that covers the same course content.

7659469 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/elizabeth-pontikes Letter 0 Strategy, Organizational Leadership, Strategic Management 7
MGT-417B-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Collaborative Leadership 2 Hsu, Greta Friday, May 16 Davis 1 11 16 0 MGT 417B 001 56328 7498080 The second of a two-part course sequence which is designed to empower emerging leaders with the skills necessary to build and guide effective teams, embodying a leadership style that is anchored in shared responsibility and values-based decision-making.
Prerequisite: 417A, Collaborative Leadership 1
6976548 Active No Textbook Required Please refer to the course syllabus for coursepack information.
Coursepacks items are obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your coursepacks are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you will still need to purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/greta-hsu S/U 7820925 Syllabus Organizational Leadership 11
MGT-419-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Business Strategy Consulting Wilson, Kelly Fridays Irregular Davis 1 14 34 0 MGT 419 001 46986 6715638 In this course, students will learn practical business consulting skills which will help you apply strategy theories in the workplace. You will learn and practice tools to frame and analyze problems, conduct research, communicate findings and navigate client relationships.
Recommended: 201B & 204
1356230 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/kelly-wilson Letter 0 Strategy 14
MGT-436V-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Introduction to Derivative Securities Maruster, Sorin Sundays Irregular Zoom 1 9 18 0 MGT 436V 001 56441 7832010 The objective of this course is to introduce students to derivative securities and other forms of financial innovations. Various characteristics of futures, options, and other derivative securities markets and how public agencies, businesses, and others use these markets are discussed.
This course is offered online.
Not open for credit for students who have taken 436. 

7831976 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/sorin-maruster Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 9
MGT-445-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Product Management LOWE, MARC W 1:10pm-5:00pm Davis 4 12 40 0 MGT 445 001 56335 7497331 Overview of the requirements, issues, and tools involved in marketing of products and services via lectures, case studies, and a hands-on, quarter-long competitive simulation.
Prerequisite: 404/204
6280263 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/visiting-faculty/marc-lowe Letter 0 Marketing, Technology Management, STEM 13
MGT-450-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Technology Competition & Strategy Bhargava, Hemant W 9:00am-12:50pm Davis 4 2 30 0 MGT 450 001 56336 7388731 This course provides you a framework for thinking about technology competition and strategy. More contemporarily, this course is about a business revolution that we are in the middle of, a platform revolution. Platform-enabled marketplaces, and other Internet-based goods and products with digital components and network effects, have stormed at the head of economic activity. Platform-mediated networks produce over half the revenue for over half of the world's 100 largest companies (e.g., Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Google, American Express, Time Warner). Technology entrepreneurship is commonplace. But this class of goods has very different, almost weird, characteristics, with distinctive economic forces that affect supply (e.g., supply and cost structures), demand (e.g., how value is created) and markets (e.g., industry organization, alliances, and competition). Managing and responding to these forces requires distinctive competitive strategies. Conversely, strategic errors can be devastating. What are these forces? How do they impact market outcomes in technology industries? And how should firms shape their competitive strategy?
Prerequisites: 402A, 403A

5831256 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/hemant-bhargava Letter 0 Marketing, Strategy, Technology Management, STEM 2
MGT-452-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Managing for Operational Excellence Chen, Rong T 9:00am-12:50pm Davis 4 44 50 0 MGT 452 001 46991 6715646 Explores operations in manufacturing and service sectors from both inside and outside a company. Quantitative methods and their organizational implications are also examined.
Prerequisite: 403A
4346505 Active There is a recommended/optional book for this course. Please view the syllabus for more information. Optional books are still available through the Bookshelf tool in Canvas but at an additional charge. Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/rachel-chen Letter 7870152 Syllabus Business Analytics, STEM 44
MGT-452-002 Master of Management Spring 2025 Managing for Operational Excellence Loupos, Panteleimon W 9:00am-12:50pm Davis 4 28 31 0 MGT 452 002 56337 7388737 Explores operations in manufacturing and service sectors from both inside and outside a company. Quantitative methods and their organizational implications are also examined.
Prerequisite: 403A
4346505 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/pantelis-loupos Letter 0 Business Analytics, STEM 29
MGT-454A-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Causal Inference and Statistical Experiments Palazzolo, Michael M 1:10pm-5:00pm; 1st 5 wks Davis 2 9 30 0 MGT 454A 001 46992 7388933 Surveys causal inference methods with applications in business settings, especially marketing. Covers both primary data approaches such as A/B testing and secondary data approaches such as difference-in-differences.
Prerequsite: 203A/403A
4758689 Active There is a recommended/optional book for this course. Please view the syllabus for more information. Optional books are still available through the Bookshelf tool in Canvas but at an additional charge. No Text Pak Required 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/mike-palazzolo Letter 7851453 Syllabus Marketing, Statistics/Info. Tech./Operations, STEM 10
MGT-454B-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Marketing Analytics Palazzolo, Michael M 1:10pm-5:00pm; 2nd 5 wks Davis 2 10 30 0 MGT 454B 001 46993 7388935 Surveys a variety of marketing analytics applications, training students to identify (i) what questions data can answer, and, conversely, (ii) what data is needed to answer a question.
4758906 Active There is a recommended/optional book for this course. Please view the syllabus for more information. Optional books are still available through the Bookshelf tool in Canvas but at an additional charge. No Text Pak Required 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/mike-palazzolo Letter 7851458 Syllabus Marketing, STEM 12
MGT-468-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Articulation and Critical Thinking Kennedy, Brian W 1:10pm-5:00pm Davis 4 18 22 0 MGT 468 001 46996 6715652 Develop competency in business writing and oral presentations. Build critical thinking skills. Topics include behavioral economics, false claims, deductive and inductive reasoning, correlation/causality, business ethics. Formerly titled "Management Communications". Course name/description change under review by Academic Senate. 4346538 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/brian-kennedy Letter 0 IMPACT Program 18
MGT-468-002 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Articulation and Critical Thinking Kennedy, Brian Th 1:10pm-5:00pm Davis 4 20 22 0 MGT 468 002 46997 6715654 Develop competency in business writing and oral presentations. Build critical thinking skills. Topics include behavioral economics, false claims, deductive and inductive reasoning, correlation/causality, business ethics. Formerly titled "Management Communications". Course name/description change under review by Academic Senate. 4346538 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/brian-kennedy Letter 0 IMPACT Program 20
MGT-472-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Financial Statement Analysis Tseng, Ayung M 9:00am-12:50pm, 1st 5 wks Davis 2 7 34 0 MGT 472 001 56312 7659254 Studies how investors, creditors, others use accounting and other information in making rational investment, lending decisions. Emphasis is placed on the analysis of financial information in a variety of contexts. Where applicable, recent research in finance and economics is discussed.
Prerequisite: 400A

7659131 Active No Textbook Required No Text Pak Required 202503 Letter 7870614 Syllabus Finance/Accounting, STEM 7
MGT-478-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Introduction to FinTech Yang, Keer W 1:10pm-3:00pm Davis 2 10 34 0 MGT 478 001 56315 7665125 Covers the evolution of “traditional” finance methods -- namely, the disruptions and innovations that have transformed: (i) how companies and consumers access funds (borrowing); (ii) how new technologies change real estate markets; (iii) how fintech companies changed the payment services; and (iv) how cryptocurrencies challenge traditional fiat money.

7659492 Active 202503 Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 10
MGT-490-001 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 High Impact Presentations Charnsupharindr, Doy Fridays Irregular Davis 1 3 20 0 MGT 490 001 46998 6715656 May-9 and May-30, 9:30pm-12:30pm and 1:30pm-3:30pm - waiting for a number
This course focuses on how to design and deliver presentations that connects to the minds and the hearts of your audience. 
Prerequisite: 407 - Storytelling for Leadership
2137223 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/doy-charnsupharindr Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, Organizational Behavior 3
MGT-490B-003 Full Time MBA Spring 2025 Field study: Biotechnology Industry Immersion Vaidya, Hemant Fridays Irregular Davis 2 5 18 0 MGT 490B 003 47001 6715662 4 Fridays (11-Apr, 18-Apr, 25-Apr, 2-May). New course code Students will visit diagnostics and pharmaceutical biotechnology industries to develop an understanding of the business context within which companies operate and learn about the management and operation of these businesses by interacting with the business leadership team and plant tour. 
Prerequisite - 290 Biotechnology Industry Immersion 
4781215 This course consists of off-campus field trips; actual start time may vary Active No Textbook Required Please refer to the course syllabus for coursepack information.
Coursepacks items are obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your coursepacks are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you will still need to purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/hemant-vaidya Letter 7894451 Syllabus Entrepreneurship/Innovation, Technology Management, Organizational Leadership, STEM 7
MGV-200BV-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Managerial Accounting Yetman, Robert Conrad, Stacy R 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 8 24 0 MGV 200BV 001 47015 6715666 Information managers should know to be effective, including: product costing, motivating people, and differential analysis for decision making. Includes team projects and written and oral presentations.

Course Overview Video
3694765 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/robert-yetman Letter 0 Finance - Corporate, STEM 14
MGV-201AV-001 Master of Management-Online Spring 2025 The Individual and Group Dynamics Stevens, James T 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MM 4 5 24 0 MGV 201AV 001 47016 6715668 Examines basic psychological and social psychological processes shaping human behavior and applies knowledge of these processes to the following organizational problems: motivation, job design, commitment, socialization, culture, individual and group decision making, and team building.

Curriculum Overview Video

3441145 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/james-stevens Letter 0 Organizational Behavior 11
MGV-201AV-002 Online MBA Spring 2025 The Individual and Group Dynamics Stevens, James T 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 3 15 0 MGV 201AV 002 47017 6715670 Examines basic psychological and social psychological processes shaping human behavior and applies knowledge of these processes to the following organizational problems: motivation, job design, commitment, socialization, culture, individual and group decision making, and team building.

Curriculum Overview Video

3441145 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/james-stevens Letter 0 Organizational Behavior 3
MGV-201BV-001 Master of Management-Online Spring 2025 Organizational Strategy & Structure Dokko, Gina Keeves, Gareth T 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MM 4 9 24 0 MGV 201BV 001 47019 6715674 Strategic management of organizations, including analysis of industries, firm resources and capabilities and corporate strategy. Strategy formulation, implementation and strategic decision-making. Firm and industry life cycles and change. Analysis of organizational design and structure including differentiation and integration.

Curriculum Overview Video
3695016 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/gina-dokko https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/gareth-keeves Letter 0 9
MGV-201BV-002 Online MBA Spring 2025 Organizational Strategy & Structure Dokko, Gina Keeves, Gareth T 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 15 18 0 MGV 201BV 002 47020 6715676 Strategic management of organizations, including analysis of industries, firm resources and capabilities and corporate strategy. Strategy formulation, implementation and strategic decision-making. Firm and industry life cycles and change. Analysis of organizational design and structure including differentiation and integration.

Curriculum Overview Video
3695016 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/gina-dokko https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/gareth-keeves Letter 0 16
MGV-202AV-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Markets & the Firm Stango, Victor Tran, Huy T 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 23 24 0 MGV 202AV 001 47021 7781828 Examines the interaction of consumers, firms and government, and the effect this interaction has on the use of resources and firm profitability. Fundamental economic concepts such as marginal analysis, opportunity cost, pricing, and externalities are introduced and applied.

Curriculum Overview Video

3441138 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/victor-stango https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/huy-tran Letter 0 Finance/Accounting, STEM 23
MGV-203BV-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Statistical Foundations for Business Analytics Rangwala, Mehul W 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 10 24 0 MGV 203BV 001 47023 6715682 The course covers practical statistical methods which prepare the ground for data analytics in the areas of marketing, finance, accounting, operations, economics, healthcare, and management. Emphasis is placed on using statistical results obtained from software to draw insights for making better business decisions. Topics covered include analysis of variance, contingency table analysis, and topics in predictive analytics which include regression modeling and analysis and forecasting of the time series data. This course prepares students well to pursue other analytics courses in the program. After completing this class, students will be able to describe how findings from statistical analysis learned in the class are used to assess business performance and formulate business strategies.  
note: Previously, "203BV, Intermediate Statistics for Managers".  

Curriculum Overview Video
3695121 Students enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/mehul-rangwala Letter 0 Business Analytics, Technology Management, Strategic Management, Finance - Investments, STEM 12
MGV-204V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Marketing Management Nair, Ashwin Tran, Huy T 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 18 24 0 MGV 204V 001 47024 6715684 Analysis of market opportunities, elements of market research, development of marketing strategies, marketing planning and implementations, and control systems. Consumer and industrial markets, market segmentation, pricing strategies, distribution channels, promotions, and sales.

Curriculum Overview Video
3695126 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/ashwin-aravindakshan https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/huy-tran Letter 0 STEM 18
MGV-204V-002 Master of Management-Online Spring 2025 Marketing Management Nair, Ashwin Contreras, Albert R 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MM 4 20 24 0 MGV 204V 002 47025 7851572 Analysis of market opportunities, elements of market research, development of marketing strategies, marketing planning and implementations, and control systems. Consumer and industrial markets, market segmentation, pricing strategies, distribution channels, promotions, and sales.

Curriculum Overview Video
3695126 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/ashwin-aravindakshan Letter 0 STEM 21
MGV-205V-001 Master of Management-Online Spring 2025 Financial Theory and Policy Maruster, Sorin W 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MM 4 21 24 0 MGV 205V 001 47026 6715688 Covers the fundamental principles of corporate financial management and capital markets. Major topics include general valuation methods for risky cash flow streams, capital budgeting, asset pricing models, risk management, equity financing, debt financing, and deb policy. 
PREREQUISITES: MGV 400AV, 403AV; 202AV recommended

Curriculum Overview Video

3695132 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/sorin-maruster Letter 0 STEM 22
MGV-205V-002 Online MBA Spring 2025 Financial Theory and Policy Maruster, Sorin T 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 11 18 0 MGV 205V 002 47027 6715690 Covers the fundamental principles of corporate financial management and capital markets. Major topics include general valuation methods for risky cash flow streams, capital budgeting, asset pricing models, risk management, equity financing, debt financing, and deb policy. 
PREREQUISITES: MGV 400AV, 403AV; 202AV recommended

Curriculum Overview Video

3695132 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/sorin-maruster Letter 0 STEM 11
MGV-205V-003 Online MBA Spring 2025 Financial Theory and Policy Maruster, Sorin Perelman, Gregory R 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 18 18 0 MGV 205V 003 56352 7706201 Covers the fundamental principles of corporate financial management and capital markets. Major topics include general valuation methods for risky cash flow streams, capital budgeting, asset pricing models, risk management, equity financing, debt financing, and deb policy. 
PREREQUISITES: MGV 400AV, 403AV; 202AV recommended

Curriculum Overview Video

3695132 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/sorin-maruster http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/visiting-faculty/gregory-perelman Letter 0 STEM 18
MGV-223V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Power and Influence in Management Katzenstein, Gary R 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 18 24 0 MGV 223V 001 47028 7728990 Most social scientists define power as "the capacity to get what you want over the resistance of others" and influence as "the translation of power into action". Power and Influence examines the bases of subunit and individual power in organizations and the means by which subunit and individual power is translated into influence. The course assumes that leaders sometimes must acquire power to be effective, but recognizes that leaders do not always use power in the interests of the organization. Thus, the course explores the positive and negative effects that power and its use can have an organizational effectiveness and in the process considers the ethics of power and influence. The course also recognizes that leaders are not the only organization participants who acquire power and exercise influence in organizations. Thus, the course focuses not just on leaders but also middle level managers and lower level employees. The course's most basic premise is that managers at all levels of the organization can improve their effectiveness (both in pursuit of their own and their organization's interests) if they better understand how power is accumulated and used in organizations. Class sessions are devoted to discussing case studies in light of theoretical arguments advanced in readings. 

3695140 Students enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/gary-katzenstein Letter 0 23
MGV-224V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Managing People in High Performance Organizations Hsu, Greta Stajkovic, Kayla T 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 9 18 0 MGV 224V 001 47029 6715692 Strategic approach to the management of people within organizations. Explore choices firms make in managing people-- decisions as to selection, performance evaluation, compensation, and other management policies and practices. Analyze employment systems' fit with firms' environments and strategies; and the consequences of choices managers make regarding policies and practices. 

Curriculum Overview Video
3695146 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/greta-hsu https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/kayla-stajkovic Letter 0 Organizational Leadership 17
MGV-224V-002 Online MBA Spring 2025 Managing People in High Performance Organizations Hsu, Greta Reimers, Candice W 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 8 18 0 MGV 224V 002 47030 6715694 Strategic approach to the management of people within organizations. Explore choices firms make in managing people-- decisions as to selection, performance evaluation, compensation, and other management policies and practices. Analyze employment systems' fit with firms' environments and strategies; and the consequences of choices managers make regarding policies and practices. 

Curriculum Overview Video
3695146 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/greta-hsu Letter 0 Organizational Leadership 11
MGV-239V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Digital Marketing Peters, Kay Errecarte, Vanessa T 12:00pm-1:50pm Online MBA 4 9 24 0 MGV 239V 001 47031 6715696 This course equips students for a career in digital marketing and social media. Topics include online advertising, search engine optimization, interactive marketing, online privacy issues, e-commerce, social influence, social network theory, measurement of social influence and integrating social and traditional media.
PREREQUISITE: MGV 204V recommended

Curriculum Overview Video

3695154 No class meeting on Tue May 6. Students enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/kay-peters https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/vanessa-errecarte Letter 0 Product Management, Marketing Strategy and Analytics 20
MGV-246V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Negotiations in Organizations Keeves, Gareth W 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 18 18 2 MGV 246V 001 47033 6715698 Basic theory of negotiation; applies theory to process of building teams to achieve business purposes. Covers integrative and distributive strategies of claiming value, how to recognize bargaining tricks, uncovering hidden agendas, brainstorming to extend Pareto frontier.

Curriculum Overview Video
3445081 Students enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/gareth-keeves Letter 0 Entrepreneurship/Innovation, Organizational Leadership, Strategic Management 22
MGV-246V-002 Online MBA Spring 2025 Negotiations in Organizations Keeves, Gareth O'Rourke-Powell, Emma T 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 15 18 0 MGV 246V 002 47034 6715700 Basic theory of negotiation; applies theory to process of building teams to achieve business purposes. Covers integrative and distributive strategies of claiming value, how to recognize bargaining tricks, uncovering hidden agendas, brainstorming to extend Pareto frontier.

Curriculum Overview Video
3445081 Students enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/gareth-keeves https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/emma-orourke-powell Letter 0 Entrepreneurship/Innovation, Organizational Leadership, Strategic Management 21
MGV-251V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Management of Innovation Keeves, Gareth Keeves, Gareth M 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 24 24 1 MGV 251V 001 47035 6715702 This course focuses on the management of technology-based innovation. Topics include the impact of new technologies on industries, dominant designs, incremental and transformative innovations, and the life-cycle of products. The class will examine the organization of highly innovative firms, and the relationship of core competencies to both innovation and rigidity. Addresses the relationship of innovation to management practices such as leadership, competitive strategic planning and teamwork by using cases and field studies. Students perform an innovation audit of an area firm.
Prerequisite: 201AV

Curriculum Overview Video

4273596 No class meeting on May 26, 2025 in observance of the Memorial Day holiday. Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/gareth-keeves https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/gareth-keeves Letter 0 Entrepreneurship/Innovation, Product Management, Strategic Management 31
MGV-252V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Managing for Operational Excellence Chen, Rong Pundoor, Guruprasad T 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 9 18 0 MGV 252V 001 47037 6715704 Explores operations in manufacturing and service sectors from both inside and outside a company. Quantitative methods and their organizational implications are also examined.

Curriculum Overview Video
3702259 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/rachel-chen Letter 0 STEM 10
MGV-254V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Marketing Analytics Palazzolo, Michael Tran, Huy W 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 16 24 0 MGV 254V 001 47039 6715706 This coures will teach students how to leverage data to derive actionable insights. The primary objectives of this course are to (1) train students how to recognize what variation in data identifies the answer to a question and (2) help students build their marketing analytics knowledge base. In service of these objectives, this course will survey several analytical tools and data types commonly used by marketers
PREREQUISITES: 203A/403A or equivalent
4075439 Students enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/mike-palazzolo https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/huy-tran Letter 0 Marketing Strategy and Analytics, STEM 19
MGV-260V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Corporate Finance Marquez, Robert Perelman, Gregory T 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 6 24 0 MGV 260V 001 47040 6715708 Bridges the gap between concepts in corporate finance learned in MGV 205V and corporate finance as it is currently applied by top management of U.S. firms. Questions to be addressed: Do managers practice what MBA programs teach? If not, why not? Which theories that MBAs have learned are recognized by managers? Which theories esem to fit the facts best? The course is highly recommended for students interested in corporate or nonprofit finance.

Curriculum Overview Video
4558364 Students enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/spotlight-story/banking-expert-foretold-risk-led-global-financial-crisis http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/visiting-faculty/gregory-perelman Letter 0 Finance - Corporate, STEM 10
MGV-261V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Investment Analysis Chen, Joseph Maruster, Sorin R 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 11 24 0 MGV 261V 001 47041 6715710 Examines models of asset pricing and the actual performance of U.S. and foreign investments, with an emphasis on equity investments. The class will look at factors affecting stock and bond returns, the success of different investment strategies, and the ability of individual investors and institutional players to "beat the market." Other topics include diversification, market crashes, fixed-income analysis, the organization and performance of mutual funds.
Course overview video

3702116 Students enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/joseph-chen https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty-profile/sorin-maruster Letter 0 Finance - Investments, STEM 13
MGV-264V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Business Taxation Yetman, Robert Werlhof, John R 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 12 24 0 MGV 264V 001 47042 6715712 Develops and applies a framework for analyzing how income taxes affect business decisions and company strategy. Applications include the role of taxes in management compensation, multinational decision- making, corporate restructuring transactions, and succession planning. Emphasizes tax planning concepts and their application rather than the detail of the federal code.

Curriculum Overview Video
3981616 Students enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/robert-yetman https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/john-werlhof Letter 0 Finance - Investments 13
MGV-268V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Articulation and Critical Thinking Kennedy, Brian Roberts, Meredith W 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 18 18 2 MGV 268V 001 47044 6715716 Develop competency in business writing and oral presentations. Build critical thinking skills. Topics include behavioral economics, false claims, deductive and inductive reasoning, correlation/causality, business ethics. Formerly titled "Management Communications." 

Curriculum Overview Video

3702251 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/brian-kennedy https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/meredith-roberts Letter 0 21
MGV-268V-002 Online MBA Spring 2025 Articulation and Critical Thinking Kennedy, Brian W 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 10 18 0 MGV 268V 002 47045 6715718 Develop competency in business writing and oral presentations. Build critical thinking skills. Topics include behavioral economics, false claims, deductive and inductive reasoning, correlation/causality, business ethics. Formerly titled "Management Communications." 

Curriculum Overview Video

3702251 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/brian-kennedy Letter 0 10
MGV-400AV-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Financial Accounting Higgins, Michelle Camarena, Monica R 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 18 18 1 MGV 400AV 001 47046 6715720 Introduction to the concepts and objectives underlying the preparation of financial statements. Topics include understanding the accounting cycle, measurement and valuation problems associated with financial statement components, consideration of the usefulness of financial statements in the analysis of a corporation’s operations.

Course Overview Video

3565625 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/michelle-yetman https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/monica-camarena Letter 0 STEM 20
MGV-400AV-002 Online MBA Spring 2025 Financial Accounting Higgins, Michelle Camarena, Monica R 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 6 18 0 MGV 400AV 002 47047 6715722 Introduction to the concepts and objectives underlying the preparation of financial statements. Topics include understanding the accounting cycle, measurement and valuation problems associated with financial statement components, consideration of the usefulness of financial statements in the analysis of a corporation’s operations.

Course Overview Video

3565625 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/michelle-yetman https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/monica-camarena Letter 0 STEM 8
MGV-403AV-001 Master of Management-Online Spring 2025 Data Analysis for Managers Rangwala, Mehul Clasper, Olga W 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MM 4 5 18 0 MGV 403AV 001 47048 6715724 Introduction to statistics and data analysis for managerial decision making. Descriptive statistics, principles of data collection, sampling, quality control, statistical inference. Application of data analytic methods to problems in marketing, finance, accounting, production, operations, and public policy.

3565635 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/mehul-rangwala Letter 0 STEM 11
MGV-403AV-002 Online MBA Spring 2025 Data Analysis for Managers Rangwala, Mehul R 7:40pm-9:30pm Online MBA 4 21 24 0 MGV 403AV 002 47049 6715726 Introduction to statistics and data analysis for managerial decision making. Descriptive statistics, principles of data collection, sampling, quality control, statistical inference. Application of data analytic methods to problems in marketing, finance, accounting, production, operations, and public policy.

3565635 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/mehul-rangwala Letter 0 STEM 21
MGV-406BV-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Decision Analytics: Scalable Woodruff, David T 5:30-7:20pm,also see notes(click course number) Online MBA 2 0 24 0 MGV 406BV 001 56353 7729041 Builds on concepts learned in 406A to develop techniques for describing and implementing models that can scale in all dimensions.
Prerequisite: 406AV.
Students who have taken 206V, may also take this course for credit.

6622968 2-unit course; 5 sessions/class meetingsStudents enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
No Text Pak Required 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/david-woodruff Letter 7861892 Syllabus Business Analytics, STEM 0
MGV-417B-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Collaborative Leadership 2 Hsu, Greta Friday, May 16 Davis 1 1 14 0 MGV 417B 001 56331 7497903 The second of a two-part course sequence which is designed to empower emerging leaders with the skills necessary to build and guide effective teams, embodying a leadership style that is anchored in shared responsibility and values-based decision-making.
Prerequisite: 417A, Collaborative Leadership 1
6976548 This is an in-person, joint course for all MBA programs. Course material is housed in Canvas https://login.canvas.ucdavis.edu/, not Digital Campus. Active No Textbook Required Please refer to the course syllabus for coursepack information.
Coursepacks items are obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your coursepacks are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you will still need to purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/greta-hsu S/U 7820926 Syllabus Organizational Leadership 2
MGV-438V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Quantitative Tools for Business Aram, Cyrus Petersen, Julie W 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 1 18 0 MGV 438V 001 47051 6715730 Quantitative analysis and business storytelling through practical quantitative frameworks, descriptive procedures and real life case studies.
3442639 Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/visiting-faculty/cyrus-aram Letter 0 General Management, STEM 1
MGV-440V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 Integrated Management Simulation Cron, William T 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 18 18 3 MGV 440V 001 47054 6715732 In this course, you will simulate being a member of the executive team of a start-up organization and make decisions typical for this level in an organization. You will formulate and defend a strategic vision for your firm and integrate the various functional areas to implement this vision successfully. Importantly, you will need to achieve your objectives within a set of financial constraints and imperatives, which will require you to make trade-offs to optimize your firm’s performance. Your start-up organization will be competing in a dynamic market and competitive environment. 
PREREQUISITE: Completion of all core courses
Formally "Intergrated Management Project" 

Curriculum Overview Video
4051523 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/william-l-cron Letter 0 STEM 21
MGV-440V-002 Online MBA Spring 2025 Integrated Management Simulation Cron, William W 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 10 18 0 MGV 440V 002 47055 6715734 In this course, you will simulate being a member of the executive team of a start-up organization and make decisions typical for this level in an organization. You will formulate and defend a strategic vision for your firm and integrate the various functional areas to implement this vision successfully. Importantly, you will need to achieve your objectives within a set of financial constraints and imperatives, which will require you to make trade-offs to optimize your firm’s performance. Your start-up organization will be competing in a dynamic market and competitive environment. 
PREREQUISITE: Completion of all core courses
Formally "Intergrated Management Project" 

Curriculum Overview Video
4051523 Active 202503 https://gsm.ucdavis.edu/profile/william-l-cron Letter 0 STEM 10
MGV-475V-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 R for Business Analytics Rangwala, Mehul Myrick, Alayna W 5:30pm-7:20pm Online MBA 4 10 24 0 MGV 475V 001 47059 6715738 Introduces programming concepts and how they can be applied to derive insights from data and make management decisions.

Curriculum Overview Video
4291246 Students enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/mehul-rangwala Letter 0 Business Analytics, Technology Management, STEM 12
MGV-490A-001 Online MBA Spring 2025 The Business of Healthcare Liederman, Eric Apr 18-20,2025,also see notes(click course number) Davis 2 21 70 0 MGV 490A 001 47060 7804164 Healthcare affects us all.  Whether as patients or carers of sick loved ones, providers of care, employers, employees or taxpayers, we are directly and indirectly impacted by the delivery, cost, complexity and quality of healthcare.  Why does healthcare consume 17% (and rising) of US GDP?  Why do healthcare bills constitute the number one cause of personal bankruptcies?  How do insurers, hospitals, physicians and other providers interrelate?
This Residential course will explore those and other aspects of the business of healthcare.  The unique tripartite economic structure of healthcare will be reviewed, wherein customers (patients) demand services from suppliers (hospitals and doctors) who are largely paid by commercial and government insurers. 
In-person Residential for Online MBA Program

7804004 This Residential requires a pre-Residential live (Zoom) class meeting, which is scheduled on Apr 4, 2025, 5-6pm pacific time.Location: Davis -A $500 Course Materials Fee will be charged to all students.-Requests to drop residential courses must be made prior to the add/drop deadline of: April 9, 2025.-The course material fee of $500 is non-refundable once charged, with NO exceptions per university policy. Academic meetings of this Residential course typically take place at: Friday 1pm-4pm, Sat 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm, Sun 9:00am-12:30pm but exact class meeting time is subject to change. Itinerary and logistics will be provided to enrolled students later. Please note that besides the in-person class meetings, residentials include pre-work which can be found in the syllabus or class announcements. Networking and group activities, which typically take place after the Friday & Saturday academic meetings, are also part of the residential experience and students are highly encouraged to attend.Students enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active Please refer to the course syllabus for textbook information.
Textbooks may be obtained through the Equitable Access Bookshelf tool in your Canvas course (if available there). Your books are included in the Equitable Access program. If you access them through the Bookshelf tool, the charge will go to your student account. If you opt-out of the Equitable Access program, you can still purchase the materials through the tool in Canvas, or purchase books from a different vendor if you want. More information specific to the GSM can be found on our Textbook & Textpak page.
202503 S/U 7851618 Syllabus General Management 32
MGV-490A-002 Online MBA Spring 2025 Causes of Organizational Wrongdoing Dokko, Gina May 2-4, 2025, also see notes(click course number) Davis 2 36 50 0 MGV 490A 002 47061 7729150 The Causes of Organizational Wrongdoing examines the reasons why people perpetrate and participate in unethical, socially irresponsible, and illegal behavior in organizations. Wrongdoing is pervasive in organizations, so it is important to ask why so many managers behave badly in organizations, even though the vast majority of managers are good people. The objective of this residential course is to develop knowledge about the many factors that lead to wrongful behavior.
Prerequisite: MGV 201AV  
In-person Residential for Online MBA Program

Course Curriculum Overview Video

6622659 Location: Davis -A $500 Course Materials Fee will be charged to all students.-Requests to drop residential courses must be made prior to the add/drop deadline of: April 9, 2025.-The course material fee of $500 is non-refundable once charged, with NO exceptions per university policy. Academic meetings of this Residential course typically take place at: Friday 1pm-4pm, Sat 9am-12pm & 1pm-4pm, Sun 8:30am-12:30pm but exact class meeting time is subject to change. Itinerary and logistics will be provided to enrolled students later. Please note that besides the in-person class meetings, residentials include pre-work which can be found in the syllabus or class announcements. Networking and group activities, which typically take place after the Friday & Saturday academic meetings, are also part of the residential experience and students are highly encouraged to attend. Students enrolled in the Full-time, Sacramento, Bay Area MBA and other GSM programs please note: Course materials and Class meeting Zoom links can be accessed in Digital Campus, the Learning Management System for Online MBA courses. An email titled “Urgent: Online Course Access Instructions”, will be sent to you around two weeks before the term start and you will find instructions to join Digital Campus there. Please look for an email from OneLogin. Students enrolled in OMBA courses should not look for course materials in the UC Davis Canvas. Active 202503 http://gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/gina-dokko S/U 0 Strategic Management 44